Savings and Checking Rates

Savings Rates as of March 6, 2025

Savings Accounts

Account Dividend Rate APY** Min Balance Min Daily Balance
Regular Share 0.06% 0.06% $15.00 $100.00
Christmas Club 0.06% 0.06% No minimum $100.00
Christmas Club Max 0.20% 0.20% No minimum $100.00

A $3.00 monthly service fee is assessed if the balance falls below $15.00. Account transfer limitations apply.
A Regular Share Account is required.

Growing Tree Savings Accounts

Min/Max Balance Dividend Rate APY**
$5 - $100 0.05% 0.05%
$101 - $350 0.05% 0.05%
$351 - $500 0.05% 0.05%
$501 - $1,000 0.05% 0.05%
$1,001 - Greater 0.05% 0.05%

For children thru age 18. Tiered account. Minimum balance to open is $5.00. Balance must be maintained to earn the disclosed annual percentage yield.
Corresponding balances and rates listed above. Account transfer limitations apply. Account will convert into a Regular Share Savings account at age 19.

Checking Accounts

Checking AccountsDividend RateAPY**Minimum Balance to OpenMinimum Daily Balance to Earn the Stated APY**
Checking/Share Draft0.01%0.01%Cost of checks/drafts***$1,000.00
Checkless Checking0.01%0.01%None****$1,000.00
Business Checking0.01%0.01%Cost of checks/drafts*$1,000.00

***For Checking/Share Drafte and Business Checking Accounts the minimum balance to open the account is the total cost of checks/drafts purchased.
****No minimum balance required. A Regular Share Savings Account is required for each account. accounts are subject to minimum balance fees.

Money Tree Savings Accounts

Min/Max BalanceDividend RateAPY**
$2,000 - $10,0000.12%0.12%
$10,001 - $25,0000.15%0.15%
$25,001 - $50,0000.18%0.18%
$50,001 - $75,0000.20%0.20%
$75,001 - Greater0.25%0.25%

Tiered Accounts. Daily minimum balance of $2,000.00 is required to earn the disclosed annual percentage yield. Balances and rates are listed above. Transaction limitations apply. A Regular Share Savings Account is required.
Must have a MCU Option Card and Checking Account for Money Tree Max.

Money Tree MAX Account

Min/Max BalanceDividend RateAPY**
$50,000 - $75,0000.25%0.25%
$75,001 - $100,0000.30%0.30%
$100,001 - $125,0000.35%0.35%
$125,001 - Greater0.40%0.40%

Tiered Accounts. Daily minimum balance of $2,000.00 is required to earn the disclosed annual percentage yield. Balances and rates are listed above. Transaction limitations apply. A Regular Share Savings Account is required.
Must have a MCU Option Card and Checking Account for Money Tree Max.

Retirement Tree - Individual Retirement Share (IRA) Account

Min/Max BalanceNominal RateAPY**
$100 - $10,0000.35%0.35%
$10,001 - $30,0000.45%0.45%
$30,001 - $50,0000.55%0.55%
$50,001 - $75,0000.65%0.65%
$75,001 - Greater0.75%0.75%

Tiered Account. A Regular Savings account is required. Minimum balance required to open and earn the annual percentage yield is $100.00. Account transfer limitations apply.
A $25.00 fee is charged for each withdrawal, direct transfer or rollover completed before the age of 59 1/2.

IRA/Share Certificates

TermNominal RateAPY**Minimum Balance to Open and Earn Stated APY**
3 Months0.50%0.50%$500.00
6 Months1.00%1.00%$500.00
12 Months1.50%1.50%$500.00
24 Months2.00%2.00%*$500.00
36 Months2.50%2.50%$500.00
48 Months2.65%2.65%$500.00
60 Months2.75%2.75%$500.00

Share Certificates are fixed-rate accounts. Additional deposits are not allowed after opening. Early withdrawal penalties are equal to 90 days of dividends or a minimum of $25.00, whichever is greater. There is a 10-day grace period for renewal or withdrawal without penalty. Share Certificates closed within the 10-day grace period with receive no dividends.
*Rates on the 2-year Jump-Up Certificate can be changed once during the term.
Contact us for a printable savings rate sheet.
Cash withdrawals of over $20,000.00 require advance notice.
**APY means Annual Percentage Yield. Please refer to the Truth-in-Savings Disclosure and Fee Schedule for additional information. This Credit Union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).
Both the dividend rate and the annual percentage yield are subject to change each dividend period. Dividends are compounded and credited monthly.
IRA Certificates and Share Certificates are fixed with a specified maturity. Dividends are compounded and credited quarterly. The dividend rate remains the same throughout the term.